Kalimba Mbira 17 Notes Mahogani Full Solid Review
Kalimba Mbira is an African musical instrument consisting of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines, played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs.
Finally, i order Kalimba Mbira for my own use. (Happy!) in this post i would like sharing some opinion for Klimba Mbira.
5 important points about kalimba 17 notes full solid mahogany build
1. Easy to carry
Small size, carry it to play anywhere
2. A simple music instrument to play with
just strike the metal tines, come out pitching sound
3. create beautiful wood tone singing voice
close your eye, cincai strike get beautiful sound
4. Full solid mahogany wood build
Generate Warm & Solid Music Wood Tone
5. Suitable for children and adult to play
You can play it well, no matter you are experience musician or without any music background.
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Kalimba Mbira 17 notes Specification

- 17 notes Standard C Tuning
- Mahogani Wood
- Full Solid
- Made In China
- Size
- Top width 11cm
- bottom witdth 13cm
- Length 18cm
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Yes, it is worth to have one, not only suitable adult but also for children.
size also small and convenience to carry.
sound tone also great, simply practice 1-2 hours can play a song. cool!
p/s: for children can using finger cover to away from finger pain.
p/s: for children can using finger cover to away from finger pain.
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